Check back here regularly to find out what healthy happenings are available in the Jackson area.
Make it a family affair! Check out Cooking With Kids from the Food Network, or Cooking With Kids from Parents Magazine, for great recipes, activities and videos - all are kid-friendly!
Want to get moving?
Check out the Wagon Wheelers Square Dance Hall for some western style square dancing at 354 Summit Street in Jackson!
Or if contra dances, traditional square dances (but not Modern Western Square Dances), traditional waltz sessions and Scandinavian dances are more your style, check out the schedule of events in Ohio here.
Contra Dances in Athens, Ohio, post their schedule here. They hold their events at ARTS/West, 132 W. State St. in Athens.
There is always a 5K being run somewhere in our area on any given weekend. Work you way up to running that mush and then test yourself against others in your age class. Remember, it really is all about your personal best!
Check out Local Races to see what's coming up.
Take a walk in any season at Lake Katherine State Nature Preserve. Lake Katherine harbors the state's largest populations of bigleaf and umbrella magnolia (pictured here) trees. The spring wildflower season is just gorgeous!
There is lots of information for those of us who need help keeping our weight in a healthy range. The new Dietary Guidelines For Americans has just been released and is a great resource for the latest info on how to eat better.
We're fortunate to have access to lots of fresh food in the Jackson area. If you're interested in shopping at one of the region's farmers' markets, check out the Ohio Proud finder page by clicking here.
Weight Watchers meets in Jackson at 245 E. Huron Street, on Tuesday evenings. Click here for more info.
WellWorks is just a short drive east at Ohio University in Athens. You don't have to be an employee of Ohio University to benefit from their wide array of wellness services. From massage to nutrition to personal training, they have your wellness needs covered. There is an enrollment fee and a discount for senior citizens.
It's a great way to increase flexibility, to make new friends, and to get rid of some stress. The Jackson Area YMCA (594 E. Main Street, Jackson) offers a class on Monday and Wednesday mornings with Instructor Marjorie Chapman.
The Jackson Area YMCA also offers classes in Tae Kwon Do, Zumba, Pilates, Krav Maga, Tennis and Golf. There are also adult leagues for volleyball and basketball.